My grandfather and I always have had a close relationship. I was always his little princess growing up. People also said that we shared a quirky sense of humor. I used to love going over to Grandpa and Grandma's for extended lunches, not only was it free but I could also nap on the couch after!
I consider myself very lucky to have had him in my life for this long, but that doesn't make saying goodbye any easier. Today I buried my grandpa. Well, not just me alone. I guess I didn't really bury him as much as I watched his casket get lowered into the cold, soggy St. Patty's Day ground. As I placed a red carnation on Grandpa's casket I thought about my two sisters and my brother, happy and secure with their spouses. I thought about their wedding day. How happy and proud Grandpa had been seeing them starting a family of their own. I thought about one of the last conversations that I had with my grandfather. We sat hand in hand on his favorite couch in the den. We were watching animal planet, and something with animal bloopers...(I hate animals).
Me - Grandpa, these shows are so funny.
Grandpa - Well, they are kind of stupid, but I can't hear the words from the other shows so well anymore and you don't need to listen to watch this.
Me - Oh. Well, they are still great. (No, they aren't. They suck. Why do lie?)
Grandpa - So, Jacci, you are moving to the Big City. You are going to be a city girl, are you?
Me - Yah, I am so excited. I love it in Toronto.
Grandpa - Just make sure you find a job close to your home... we all know your track record on the road. It is safer for you not to shouldn't even own a car.
Me - uhhhhh..... yeah. I guess you're right.
Grandpa - And make sure you are careful there. We all know your track record of accidents even when you are not in a car...
Me - uhhhh....Yeah. Can't argue with that one.
Grandpa - Don't forget, you are getting older. You need to settle down soon, find a good man...a good looking man...and get married. You won't be young forever.
Me - *Gulp*
Grandpa - It's such a shame you couldn't find somebody to marry. It was one of my last wishes to see you get married. But that is definitely not going to happen now....
Me - *GULP* No, Grandpa, that is definitely not going to happen.
Grandpa - Well, I guess that is that. But, Princess, don't forget how much I love you and I'm proud of you no matter what. And you are going to be a success. You have it in your blood.
As I went in to hug my grandpa, I struggled to hold back my tears. The second I stepped out of the den, I broke down. Grandpa was right. Animal shows are stupid. I am dangerous behind the wheel. I am an accident waiting to happen. I wish he could see me get married one day (but that will never happen now). Finally, I am a piece of him, and I will be sure to make him proud. I will make him proud through my actions, my work ethic, the way I love my family and the way I treat people. Grandpa will be proud of me no matter what profession I chose or which city I live in or which car I drive (if I drive at all), as long as I do everything with the values and morals that he instilled to his children and grandchildren.
As we drove away from the burial site I turned around to see the casket abandoned in a cold, muddy hole and I knew that Grandpa was no longer living in that body, but in the hearts of his family. And one day (God willing) I do get married, Grandpa will be there in my heart.
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